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    活女丧尸夜 Night of the Living Deb (2014)

    最近更新: 2024-05-14 HD中字
    • 主演:大卫·克朗姆霍茨 雷·怀斯 玛丽亚·泰耶尔 / 迈克尔·卡西迪 / Syd Wilder / 大卫·克鲁霍尔特兹
    • 导演:凯尔·兰金 / Kyle Rankin
    • 编剧:未知
    • 分类:喜剧片
    • 地区:美国 
    • 年份:2014 
    • 更新:05.14
    • TAG:喜剧
    • 豆瓣评分 4.9 (474票)
    • 简介:看片狂人(www.kpkuang.com)为您奉上美国电影《活女丧尸夜》的免费在线观看,《活女丧尸夜》是对白语言为英语,属于喜剧类型,目前在豆瓣的评分为4.9分,有474名网友参与打分,最后祝您观影愉快,本页面也会及时添加或更新本片(剧)的最新播放源。以下是剧情简介:   After a girls' night out, endearingly awkward Deb wakes up in the apartment of the most attractive guy in Portland, Maine. She's thrilled, but she can't remember much of what got her there. Pretty boy Ryan only knows it was a mista...... 完整简介请见下方



    After a girls' night out, endearingly awkward Deb wakes up in the apartment of the most attractive guy in Portland, Maine. She's thrilled, but she can't remember much of what got her there. Pretty boy Ryan only knows it was a mistake and ushers her out the door... into a full-scale zombie apocalypse. Now, a walk of shame becomes a fight for survival as the mismatched pair discovers that the only thing scarier than trusting someone with your life... is trusting them with your heart.




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