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    无畏:中途岛之战 Dauntless (2019)

    最近更新: 2023-12-30 HD中字


    • 勉强看完 的确真实 但是太沉闷 只表现出了战争的苍白
    • 每当大作上映总有蹭热度的山寨货冒出来趁火打劫
    • 本来想看决战中途岛,结果下成这部片子了,越看越不对劲。
    • 妈蛋被这蹭热度的标题给骗了,看完了才发现下错电影了!

    By June 1942, the Japanese Navy has swept across the Pacific. In an effort to change the course of the war, a United States carrier group is positioned off the coast of Midway, tasked with springing a trap on the enemy. During this pivotal battle, the two-man crew of a U.S. Navy dive bomber is forced to ditch in the sea. Set adrift, the men look qiwan.cc towards their comrades for rescue; namely, the ragtag crew of a PBY Catalina, who are sent to search for survivors. Amid the vast openness of the Pacific, with days passing and the chance of rescue fading, the men are forced to face their own mortality.





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