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    真相捕捉 第一季 The Capture (2019)

    最近更新: 2024-04-28 第06集
    • 主演:本·迈尔斯 / 劳拉·哈德克 / 卡勒姆·特纳 / 荷丽黛·格兰杰 / 希滕·珀泰尔
    • 导演:本·切南 (Ben Chanan)
    • 编剧:本·切南 (Ben Chanan)
    • 分类:欧美剧
    • 地区:英国 
    • 年份:2019 
    • 更新:04.28
    • TAG:悬疑 / 英国 / 犯罪 / BBC / 剧情 / 2019 / 惊悚 / 社会 / 媒介隐喻 / 反恐
    • 别名:囚禁
    • 豆瓣评分 9.0 (40508票)
    • IMDB评分 7.9 (21,904票)
    • TMDB评分 7.90 (热度:13.09)
    • 简介:看片狂人(www.kpkuang.com)为您奉上英国电视剧《真相捕捉 第一季》的免费在线观看,《真相捕捉 第一季》是对白语言为英语,属于悬疑,惊悚类型,目前在豆瓣的评分为9分,有40508名网友参与打分,最后祝您观影愉快,本页面也会及时添加或更新本片(剧)的最新播放源。以下是剧情简介:当士兵肖恩埃默里(特纳)在阿富汗谋杀的罪名被推翻,因为有缺陷的视频证据,他作为一个自由人和他的小女儿返回生活。但当伦敦一个夜晚的闭路电视镜头曝光时,肖恩的生活发生了令人震惊的转折,他必须很快再次为自由而战。随着新晋升的迪雷切尔凯里(格雷格)起草调查肖恩的案件,她很快了解到,真相有时可能是一个角度的问题。她应该信任肖恩·埃默里吗?这次抓捕是一部由六部分组成的惊悚片,讲述了一个令人不安的假新闻世界和情报部门的非凡能力。在这个“后真理时代”,我们真的能相信我们所看到的吗?这部影片由英国电影自由贸易协会(bafta...... 完整简介请见下方



    When soldier Shaun Emery’s (Turner) conviction for a murder in Afghanistan is overturned because of flawed video evidence, he returns to life as a free man with his young daughter. But when damning CCTV footage from a night out in London comes to light, Shaun’s life takes a shocking turn and he must soon fight for his freedom once again.With newly promoted DI Rachel Carey (Grainger) drafted in to investigate Shaun’s case, she quickly learns that the truth can sometimes be a matter of perspective. Should she trust Shaun Emery?The Capture is a six-part thriller that looks at a troubling world of fake news and the extraordinary capabilities of the intelligence services. In this ‘post-truth era’, can we really believe what we see?The Capture is written and directed by Bafta Award-winning filmmaker Ben Chanan and is made for BBC One by Heyday Television and NBCUniversal International Studios.




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