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    Le Lion (2020)

    最近更新: 2020-04-11 英文无字1080p


    • 在家附近看的点映场,作为导演+男主的 Dany boon也到场了。我个人还是很喜欢他的电影的,从ch'tis系列,到评分不是很高的特警队我都很喜欢。他的剧都是搞笑里透着温情的,这一部也不例外。剧情可能有点老套,梗也不算太新,但是他本人一演就还是会觉得怎么可以这么搞笑。很多人也在现场提问说ch'tis什么时候能出3,他说2都没拍呢。(豆瓣上把La ch'tite famille翻译成欢迎来北方2不是很正确,他本人澄清说这不是续集。) 也能理解,原作太受欢迎,导演压力也很大啊😂,还有就是也想尝试不一样的剧情和内容吧,总之期待新片!
    • 整体感觉很像 «Tais-toi» (B站有,译名“你丫闭嘴”)的现代版,都是“越狱”的感觉。整体笑料很足,结尾充满了泪点
    • 昨天本来就应该看了的 但因为影院在的街区电路系统问题 一个小时断电四次 今天才看完 非现实但是挺人性的电影 小小的法国谍战幽默充斥在里面
    • 哈哈哈,全程节奏紧凑,误打误出,笑爬好几次。丹尼伯恩演什么像什么,结局解释了整个故事,温暖走心,又有那么一点让人伤感…

    Straight-laced shrink Romain is fascinated by his new psych ward patient Leo Milan, who claims to be a highly-trained international spy, code-named The Lion. When Romain’s fiancée is kidnapped before his very eyes, just as The Lion predicted, Romain realizes that Leo is the only one who seems to know what’s going on. And only he has the skills to rescue her. Desperate, Romain breaks out The Lion and does his best to keep up with him, in a frantic chase across Paris to rescue Louise and protect France’s central bank from the heist of the century. Along the way, he has no choice but to admit that The Lion does display some pretty unique talents like a real spy. But as the unlikely duo gets deeper and deeper into major trouble, Romain starts to realize that The Lion’s identity might be linked to a very personal trauma...




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