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    所有邪佞之人 All the Devil's Men (2018)

    最近更新: 2023-12-29 720P


    • 影片中除了主角光环过于强大外,武器、枪战方面极其考究成熟,几近完美。甚至达到令观众身临其境紧张刺激的程度。至于影片的其它方面,故事框架、情节走势、人物塑造、演员表现等等几乎是空白一片,没有一点点可取之处。对比如此明显而强烈,也是蛮奇怪的。
    • 剧情立异不落俗套,但是反转的有点匪夷所思,不过枪战打斗紧张真实,感觉几乎贴近实战,没有超级英雄,都靠本事吃饭,如果喜欢枪战,应该值得一看。评分偏低,6.5分以上应该有。
    • 勉强及格。整个故事很黑死了,四方人物:偷核弹头的恐怖分子,找恐怖分子报仇的中情局女官员,为恐怖分子服务的安保公司,为中情局服务的赏金猎人。这些多有交叉、相识,所作所为几乎全为利益(尤其女官员半路勾结安保人员,不惜牺牲赏金猎人),而且情报交换频繁,令几方几乎在明牌的前提下对决,这帮人出手也基本全是爆头,阴谋与铁血,够冷酷。前半段的军事场面营造的不错,小队配合,火力压制,突然死亡,如流水的弹壳弹射,拼刀时拔枪的无赖嘴脸。但后半段略垮,尤其机场拦截的戏,而且双方服装上无甚区分易导致混乱。导演虽为新人,到对英伦冷调的把握到位,节奏略快,更近似美国片
    • 减配版《22英里》,延续了《老兵》的风格。

    Jack Collins (Milo Gibson) is a war-junkie and former Navy SEAL turned bounty hunter who tracks down terrorists as part of the CIA's outsourcing to private companies. Battling personal demons, the powers that be think he is becoming a liability so his CIA handler Leigh (Sylvia Hoeks) offers him one last chance to keep fighting, sending him to London for a job. There, he finds himself part of a three-man team tasked with hunting down a disavowed CIA Operative called McKnight (Elliot Cowan) before he procures a WMD from Russian gangsters and disappears. Together, Collins, Brennan (William Fichtner) and Samuelson (Gbenga Akinnagbe) find themselves locked in urban tactical combat with a former colleague, Deighton (Joseph Millson), and his private army, hired by McKnight as protection. Both sides fight smart and as casualties and betrayal mounts on both sides, Collins refuses to be defeated as he battles his way to an explosive climax.





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