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    都柏林凶案 Dublin Murders (2019)

    最近更新: 2024-01-09 08


    • 7.5分
    • 什么都不错,就是干嘛非要把两个故事拧到一起呢?莫名其妙并不和谐,这结局让我想起了The Kettering Incident 无语 又是一个操蛋父母害人害儿女的故事
    • 一个很对的调调配了一个优点难以推动的故事,案件的进程有点问题,如果节奏改好,又是一部经典罪案剧。
    • 这种有心理疾病的警探cp简直有毒,又一次让我深深的陷入想拯救男主的迷恋中… 上一次是TheKilling那一组,最终他们相互取暖归宿对方,而这一次… 显然是病的更重的一对儿,女主可能move on了,而男主… 还是那只永远被困在那片森林中离群的幼狼,回不了家😭 每次男主说他想回家时都让我泪流满面,男主是史上最惨警探之一了,严重的心理疾病得治啊!而这位扮演者把角色演的太迷人了,看完久久不能自拔的想为这个虚构人物做点什么能让他“回家”… 爱尔兰怎么总是出这么好的演员呢,看完这剧又空落落的感觉的没有剧可看了

    In the summer of 2006, Rob Reilly (Killian Scott), a smart suited homicide detective and his partner Cassie (Sarah Greene) are dispatched to investigate a child’s murder and find a community caught between old and new Ireland.On an altar lies the body of a local teenage girl, precociously talented Katy Devlin (Amy Macken). Her body is found in the middle of an archeological site, threatened by local developers aiming to build a shiny new motorway. The neighbouring estate, Knocknaree, has never quite got its share of the ‘Celtic Tiger’ and has been blighted by poverty and unemployment for generations.Moreover, this is the not the first time a child of Knocknaree has been lost: 21 years earlier, in a very different Ireland, three children went missing and only one ever came back alive.Memory runs deep in this part of the world, and locals, press and the Dublin Police worry that the cases are linked.





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